Advanced Mining with Orion Client

Optimize your mining performance using the Orion Client, which supports both CPU and GPU mining.
Follow these steps to get started.

1. Run Benchmarks

Launch the Orion Client and go to the Benchmarks section. Run benchmarks to identify the best algorithm for your hardware.

2. Setup Your Environment

Navigate to the Setup section and follow these steps:

  • Create a new keypair or use the Search function to load an existing one.
  • Set the optimal algorithm for both CPU and GPU based on your benchmark results.
  • Select Excalivator as your mining pool.

3. Start Mining

Once the setup is complete, simply hit the Mine button. The Orion Client will handle connecting to the pool and optimizing your mining output.

You're All Set! 🎉

Enjoy mining with maximum efficiency using both your CPU and GPU. Monitor your progress and rewards directly in the Orion Client.