Setting Up HiveOS with Excalivator Pool

This guide will help you set up HiveOS to mine with the Excalivator pool using the Orion Client.

Special thanks to TheRetroMike for creating this implementation.
The original explanation and more details can be found in his fork of the Orion Client repository.

1. Prepare the HiveOS System

  1. SSH into your HiveOS system (or use Hive Shell)
  2. Run the following commands and answer Y if prompted:
    sudo apt-get update
    apt install curl git build-essential libssl-dev pkg-config -y
    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
  3. Disconnect and restart the machine
  4. Reconnect to SSH or HiveShell
  5. Install the COAL pool client:
    cargo install coal-pool-client

2. Create and Launch Flightsheet

  1. Go to the Hive dashboard
  2. Create and launch a flightsheet with custom miner
  3. Use the following Installation URL:
  4. Configure the settings as shown in the images below:
    HiveOS Flightsheet Settings 1
    HiveOS Flightsheet Settings 2
  5. If the "Pool URL" setting doesn't work, try using ""

3. Final Setup and Mining

  1. SSH or use HiveShell to access your system
  2. Run the command:
  3. Follow the setup and/or mining steps through the CLI interface

You're All Set! 🎉

You are now ready to mine with HiveOS using the Excalivator pool. Happy mining!